
Q: How do I pay for my order?
A: You can choose to pay via iBanking, ATM transfer or PayPal. Payment instructions will be given once we receive your order.

Q: I have placed my order. Can I amend or cancel it?
A: Sure, simply send us an email with your request and we will try our best to assist you.

Q: What is the payment term?
A: Payment term is 24hours, after which your item will be released with no further notification from us.


Q: Has my item been shipped out?
A: Upon verification of payment, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of funds and your item will be shipped within 48hours.

Q: How much is shipping?
A: Regular local shipping can range from SGD1.20 onwards depending on the number of items you have ordered. Registered local shipping starts from SGD3.40 depending on the number of items you have ordered.

Q: Do you do international shipping?
A: Yes we do. Registered shipping costs varies depending on your region. Upon placing your order, we will advise accordingly as per your shipping address.

Q: When will I receive my item(s)?
A: For both regular and registered shipping in Singapore, your item(s) will take 2-4 working days to arrive. In some cases SingPost is able to deliver earlier than expected.

Q: Do you do meet-ups?
A: Not at the moment.